Beyond Myself: Reclaiming Your Life After Sexual Abuse is an educational resource to explain to victims, support people, therapists, law enforcement, judiciary officials, and people from all walks of life about the devastation caused before, during, and after sexual abuse and sexual assault have occurred. This book will also offer insight as to how and why a predator chooses his/her victims, and why their perpetration must be stopped.
Designed for teen and adult survivors of sexual violation, Beyond Myself will enable the reader to capture the courage to stand up against this often-deadly epidemic. Along with this book and its companion materials (Beyond Myself music CD and study guide), victims will learn to let go of victimization and restore their mind, body, and soul without the baggage of sexual abuse.
Designed for teen and adult survivors of sexual violation, Beyond Myself will enable the reader to capture the courage to stand up against this often-deadly epidemic. Along with this book and its companion materials (Beyond Myself music CD and study guide), victims will learn to let go of victimization and restore their mind, body, and soul without the baggage of sexual abuse.

Yvonne Rousseau brings twenty years of experience analyzing and researching the worldwide impact of sexual abuse and violence. She has extensive experience as an advocate for victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, assisting men, women, and children through the different stages of healing. Yvonne has done presentations on the process of recovery from sexual and physical violence, offering an innovative technique for victims, treatment providers, clergy, and law enforcement personnel to take an active role for individual, familial, and societal recovery.
To read more about Yvonne Rousseau visit her website at: www.beyondmyselfrecovery.com
To read more about Yvonne Rousseau visit her website at: www.beyondmyselfrecovery.com
My Review:
I read Beyond Myself with the hope that I might be able to use the book in my professional library. Ms. Rousseau put much research and experience into each page of this book. How does one say that they "enjoyed" a book about reclaiming your life after sexual abuse? However, I did find great power in each page. I read and learned about the steps that a person who has gone through this experience would have to work through.
The one thing that I did like that this book offered was a study guide and a CD to help the counselor work with clients or a client to just order the study guide and CD to work on this alone. I do find great power in resources and at the end of this book a list of resources are available.
I cannot imagine what it is like to be sexually abused, nor do I ever want to have that experience. This book will help the person who has gone down this road to rebuild and reclaim one's life. There are six steps and each step has a powerful message, each step gives hope.
I found much hope in this book; I found that this book was a book that I would put in my professional library. I will order the study guide and CD so that I have this resource available to clients. The book had a quote at the beginning that resonated with me it states:
"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot." Eleanor Roosevelt
What a powerful quote, what a powerful statement of hope. This book will give the reader hope.
I appreciate this opportunity I had to review Beyond Myself. This review is my own words. I was not paid for a positive review.
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